Crohn’s Disease Present with Hypopharynx Ulcer and Retropharyngeal Microabscess
1Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastr oente rohep atolo gy, Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Türkiye
Journal of Enterocolitis 2023; 2(1): 15-16 DOI: 10.14744/Jenterocolitis.2023.230547
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disease that affects any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Proximal gastrointestinal involvement is seen in 0.5%-16% of patients and is usually diagnosed after bowel disease is noticed. In this case report, we wanted to present a Crohn’s patient who was diagnosed with atypical ulcers, which is difficult to diagnose endoscopically, with the aim of contributing to the literature.
Keywords: Crohn’s disease, hypopharynx ulcer, retropharyngeal microabscess